Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Focus Feedback

This past year we have received some great information from the Focus Feedback tool located in FAST.  We encourage all of our employees to continue to use this tool to let us know what we can improve on as a company.  Focus always wants to strive to get better and improve.  If you see something that does not seem right please use the feedback tool.  One thing we would encourage is leaving your contact information so we can contact you directly to let you know how we took care of your feedback.  You can also choose to be anonymous but this makes it difficult to follow up.  Thanks for all of your hard work.

1 comment:

  1. I think our jobs not being threatened every time we turn around would be a great thing for the management (all of them) to work on because with me i get very upset & my calls dont turn out as well after we get talked to or yelled at & it does happen often please help us i am not the only one that feels like this
